Sévan Kalinine
Sévan KALININE is a 27-year-old pianist currently studying with Aleksandar Madzar at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater (HfMT) in Hamburg. He previously trained at the conservatories of Reims and Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, as well as at the Pôle Supérieur de Paris (PSPBB). Not limiting himself to classical music, Sévan also followed a complete jazz curriculum, while at the same time perfecting his accordion skills.
Sévan Kalinine has won numerous competitions and collaborates artistically with some of the greatest names on the musical scene. He performs regularly as a soloist and chamber musician. Every summer, he organizes voluntary classical music initiation workshops for young children. These workshops take place as part of classical festivals. They take the form of musical tales, instrument presentations... His aim in doing all this is to get new generations interested in classical music, because it enables us to feel sensations where words stop. It's a form of escape that many more people should be able to experience.
Alongside his studies and public musical events, Sévan has been teaching piano for nine years. He devotes almost as much energy to teaching as he does to playing his instrument, because for him, the two fields go hand in hand: the more he flourishes in his musical research, the more he flourishes in his pedagogical research, and vice versa. In both fields lies an infinite number of paradigms, and it is this field of possible exploration that makes his soul vibrate and gives meaning to his life and his music.